Investigación Cuantitativa | Servicios Simple Lógica

Quantitative Research

It is about measuring the social or commercial phenomena and behavior through indicators to measure its impact among any social or professional group. We use the following techniques:

  • Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI)
  • Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI)
  • Self-administrated on-line Interviews (CAWI)
  • Omnibus Service
  • Hall Test
Investigación Cualitativa | Servicios Simple Lógica

Qualitative Research

Structural or qualitative research is in the field of analysis of the discursive (symbolic) phenomena, which are taking place in a given society and at a given historical moment. It is about understanding the speech of a group and the deep drivers behind their behavior on any social or purchase fact. We use the following techniques:

  • Focus groups dicussions
  • In-depth interviews
  • Ethnographic interviews
  • Content analysis
  • Observation research
Simple Lógica


Desk research consists in searching for information using existing sources, such as: Internet, statistical publications and analytical reports. This is then followed by a process of debugging and organizing all the collected pieces of information, so that they all built up an structured report.

Desk research (or secondary research) can be a stand-alone research technique or the initial stage of a research project.”

  • Looking up and analysis of secondary sources
  • Looking up and analysis of oficial figures

In our services, we ask the right questions to gather valuable information that we transform into effective solutions for our clients.

Our technical team will advise you in choosing the techniques and ways that best suit your research needs to help you achieve your goals.

The fieldwork team will advise you to get the most out of the executed work, guiding you about the sample, the design and structure of the questionnaire, the methodology, codifications, etc. Always meeting your deadlines and your needs.

For any research work we offer two possibilities:

All-inclusive research service

Recruitment, fieldwork, analysis, reports, consulting.

Partial research service

To support you with the only step you need to have taken.

The Omnibus Service is the access tool to the information gathered by the Surveys to Consumers, Retailers and Service sector companies

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