Simple Lógica

The company

Social Research, Market Analysis and Opinion Reports

Simple Lógica was founded in 1997. At the beginning of 2007, a large and well-known team of professionals with a long career within Gallup in Spain joined, with more than 15 years of experience in market, social and opinion research.

Currently, Simple Lógica offers a wide range of services in all areas of Social Research, Opinion Studies and Market Analysis, as well as fieldwork network.

Simple Lógica is strongly internationally-oriented, supported by companies and institutions from other countries. Simple Lógica is the Partner Institute of the ECFIN (General Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission), conducting for them monthly surveys among consumers, trade and services companies in Spain since May 2011.

Our goal is to provide our customers with a service of the highest quality, accuracy and efficiency.

Our philosophy

  • Quality, accuracy and transparency in our data.
  • Sustainable and responsible research.
  • Tailored answers to each issue.
  • Qualified technical team and innovative products.
  • Work understood as commitment.
  • Flexible structure and processes of project execution.
  • Aware of the social responsibility of the research activity.

Quality systems

Simple Lógica has the Quality Certificate in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and UNE ISO 20252:2019. We adhere to the ICC / ESOMAR international deontological code for the practice of social and market research. As a socially responsible company, we have signed the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. All of this guides our activities everyday.”

Simple Logica’s quality policy (Spanish)

It applies to (Spanish)

Doing reseach since 1997


Studies conducted



IOP. La percepción de la situación económica según los medios y el entorno social (Mar.2022)

IOP. Intención de voto y valoración de líderes (Feb.2022)

IOP. Indultos: Valoración e impacto (Ago.2021)

IOP. COVID-19: Percepción de la incidencia y del riesgo de contagio (May.2020)

IOP. COVID-19: Valoración de la actuación del Gobierno, la oposición y los partidos políticos (May.2020)

IOP. Resultado de las Elecciones, intención de voto y valoración de líderes (Dic.2019)

IOP. Afición a los toros y abolición de las corridas (Sep.2019)

IOP. Intención de voto y valoración de líderes (Jul.2019)

IOP. Resultado de las Elecciones, intención de voto y valoración de líderes (May.2019)


Technical Team

  • Composed by an interdisciplinary team of professionals from sociology, economics, statistics, political science, geography, etc.
  • With training plans and continuous upgrading in new contents, methodologies and techniques of social and market research.


  • Package of integrated computer applications for the different phases of execution of the research work:
  • App for Questionnaire scripting
  • Survey App for collection of information on a sepparate or in a complementary way by:
  • Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI).
  • Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI).
  • Online Interviews (CAWI).
  • App for verbatim coding.
  • App for statistical treatment of results.
  • Apps for interactive or conventional reports of results.
  • IT support suitable to enable work on clients’ survey platforms throughout the world.

Fieldwork operations Team

  • Management team with extensive experience.
  • National coverage of fieldwork network for F2F interviewing.
  • Telephone interviewing team, which is diversified by specialization in different target groups and with an average stability over 5 years.
  • F2F and telephone recruitment team for qualitative research.
  • Data processing team expert in debugging, coding and supervision.
  • Our own Call-Center with 30 stations.

Supervisors, coders, telephone interviewers in our office and a wide network of interviewers in the main Spanish provinces enable us to cover all phases of a research, ensuring the quality of fieldwork.

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